SPICE Publications

[ Publications about 'patent' ]

Posters and Presentations (4)
  1. Jeremy Gummeson, Mary Baker, Animesh Srivastava, and Shrirang Mare. Controlling devices based on collocation of the devices on a user. U.S. Patent 10,331,916, June 2019.
    Keywords: authentication, ctbh, ists, mhealth, patent, project-tish, security, sensors, wearable. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Andr?s D. Molina-Markham, Shrirang Mare, Ronald Peterson, Jr., and David Kotz. Continuous seamless mobile device authentication using a separate electronic wearable apparatus. U.S. Patent 9,961,547, May 2018.
    Keywords: authentication, ctbh, ists, mhealth, patent, project-tish, security, sensors, wearable. [bibtex-entry]

  3. David Kotz, Ryan Halter, Cory Cornelius, Jacob Sorber, Minho Shin, Ronald Peterson, Shrirang Mare, Aarathi Prasad, Joseph Skinner, and Andr?s Molina-Markham. Wearable computing device for secure control of physiological sensors and medical devices, with secure storage of medical records, and bioimpedance biometric. U.S. Patent 9,936,877; International Patent Application WO2013096954A1, April 2018.
    Keywords: ctbh, ists, mhealth, patent, project-amulet, security, sensors, wearable. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Shrirang Mare, Andr?s Molina-Markham, Ronald Peterson, and David Kotz. System, method and authorization device for biometric access control to digital devices. U.S. Patent 9,832,206; International Patent Application WO2014153528A2, November 2017.
    Keywords: authentication, ctbh, ists, mhealth, patent, project-tish, security, sensors, wearable. [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Mon Nov 7 18:23:47 2022
Author: teamhats.

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